Finding your rhythm (without losing your mind)

Have you found your rhythm?

Random thought—remember the climax of Monsters Inc. when Sully and Mike frantically searched for the exact door they needed to escape? One wrong step, and they’d be lost in an endless maze of doors. Watching that scene used to stress me out, but now it reminds me of something bigger: God’s grace isn’t like that. It doesn’t hinge on us finding one singular “right door.” His grace is wide and freeing, giving us the space to explore without panic.

Recently, I listened to a podcast episode from The Professional Creative about finding your creative rhythm. The idea stuck with me: instead of forcing your rhythm to look a certain way, try embracing it at face value. By contrast, culture celebrates the hustle - pushing through despite the obstacles or how tired you are. Balancing diligence with rest is a mindset shift. For the longest time, I was so stressed about “doing it right” that I sucked the joy out of creating. I became paralyzed—too scared to explore, experiment, or even just enjoy the process. Have you been there? Trying so hard to paddle upstream that you forget the river has a flow?

These rhythms apply far beyond creativity. Think about it: Have you noticed that you’re naturally more productive at certain tasks during specific times of the day? Maybe mornings are for housework, but your brain hits peak flow for writing or art at 10 p.m. (shoutout to the night owl artist stereotype). The trick is not to force yourself into someone else’s rhythm but to recognize your own and lean into it—with both discipline and grace. 

This is the epitome of not listening to your rhythm…hi, yes, that’s me. I’m tired.

For me, this realization has been a game changer. It means a mindset shift from setting idealistic standards for my schedule based on how other people operate, to the realization that I was made to operate as God intended, uniquely and wonderfully. Will I embrace my rhythms perfectly every time? Absolutely not. But that’s the beauty of grace—it’s there to remind us that perfection isn’t the goal. Living fully, resting well, and creating freely is.

So if you’re feeling stuck, stressed, or like you’re swimming upstream, you’re not alone. Maybe it’s time we pause and listen for our own rhythms.

Here’s to rhythms of grace, lower cortisol levels, and finding joy again.

With courage and creativity,


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for His name's sake.

Psalm 23:1-3


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